Maunakea Weather Center

MKWC Forecaster Fog Statistics
Select Forecaster: MKWC Forecaster | GFS | WRF
Select Variable: Fog | Temperature | Precipitable Water | Seeing
Select Forecast Night: Night-1 | Night-2 | Night-3 | Night-4 | Night-5
% Chance Num. of Times Observed Num. of Times this % Forecasted Forecaster's %
0 352 5569 6
5 17 102 17
10 92 496 19
15 28 116 24
20 82 323 25
25 95 350 27
30 46 176 26
35 6 19 32
40 80 325 25
45 0 0 --
50 138 379 36
55 0 6 0
60 198 429 46
65 64 123 52
70 23 40 58
75 311 572 54
80 98 139 71
85 20 28 71
90 324 444 73
95 164 203 81
100 38 39 97

Observed Not Observed
Forecasted 38 (H) 1 (F)
Not Forecasted 352 (M) 5217 (Z)

Skill Stats
Proportion of Perfect FCSTS (PPF)0.94
Probability of Detection (POD)0.10
False Alarm Rate (FAR)000
Frequency Bias Index (FBI)0.10

PPF = (H+Z)/(H+F+M+Z)FAR = F/(F+Z)
FBI = (H+F)/(H+M)POD = H/(H+M)

Fog Stats last updated on: Tue, Mar 21 2023 - 2052 UTC